The Science Behind Duck Lips: How Overfilling Backfires

Duck Lips

Many people have opted for lip fillers in the past decades to adorn their physical beings. The concept is to achieve fuller and plumper lips, which is quite attractive. However, excessive filler can result in everything opposite to what was desired. This leads to what is popularly known as “duck lips.” 

In this blog, we explore why too much filler backfires and how it impacts the look of the lips.

What Are Lip Fillers?

Lip fillers are cosmetic injections of a substance, typically hyaluronic acid, to give the lips a more abundant look. Hyaluronic acid is found in our bodies, so it is much less likely to react negatively, making it quite popular for cosmetic procedures. When injected, it adds volume, giving the lips more firmness and making them look plumper and more defined; it enhances facial features and gives one a more youthful look.

What causes Duck Lips?

Duck lips occur when too much filler is injected. Instead of having a naturally luscious look, the lips look swollen and unnatural-like a duck’s bill. 

Here are some reasons why this can happen:

  • Overfilling: The lips can only hold so much volume; when they get overfilled, they start to protrude unnaturally.
  • Injection Into Wrong Points: Because the filler is injected in the wrong areas or places, such as too close to the lip’s skin, then those lips will become distorted.
  • Multiple Rounds Of Filler: Multiple fillings are not good before allowing previous injections to settle nicely. This can create a build-up, which then looks lumpy and uneven.

Why Do Duck Lips Look Unnatural?

Our brains are very good at recognising what looks natural and what doesn’t. A big part of beauty is symmetry and proportion. When too much filler, the lips can become out of proportion with the rest of the face. They might protrude too much or be too puffy, drawing attention for all the wrong reasons. Duck lips usually have an unnatural curve and shape that just doesn’t look too great against the natural lines of the face.

What Are The Risks Of Overfilling?

While the cosmetic appearance is a risk in itself, overfilling also has some risks beyond the aesthetic appearance. Among these risks include:

  • Migration Of Filler Gel: Overfilled lips can sometimes lead to the filler moving from the intended area to other face parts. This can cause lumps and bumps around the mouth or other unwanted areas.
  • Tissue Damage: Repeated overfilling can stretch the tissue of the lips, making them sag over time. This can make future treatments less effective.
  • It Can Be Difficult To Reverse: Fillers like hyaluronic acid are dissolvable, but reversing an overfilled appearance is difficult. Sometimes, it takes several sessions to correct, and sometimes, it does not leave your skin as natural as before.

Can Duck Lips Be Corrected?

Yes, duck lips can usually be corrected, but it may take some time to achieve a correction. If hyaluronic acid is used, an enzyme called hyaluronidase can be injected to break down the excess filler. This will reshape the lip to be more normal in appearance. The process must be done cautiously so as not to over-dissolve.

You Can Avoid Duck Lips

To avoid the dreaded duck lips, it’s important to follow some simple guidelines:

  • Choose  A Qualified Aesthetic Doctor 

Always go to a licensed and experienced professional. A skilled practitioner knows how much filler to use and where to inject it to achieve a natural look.

  • Start Slow

If you are a new filler user, begin with an amount you feel comfortable with. You can always add more later, but it’s much harder to remove too much filler.

  • Know Your Facial Anatomy

Everybody’s face is unique. What works for one person might not work for another. A good practitioner will consider your unique facial structure before even starting.

  • Talk To Your Doctor Openly

Tell your injector what look you want. Bring pictures of lips you like, but don’t be unrealistic. Remember that fuller doesn’t always mean better.

Learn To Love Your Natural Beauty

While this can be a fantastic way to enhance your natural beauty, the right use of fillers is required. Beauty trends come and go, and today’s beauty might not be pretty tomorrow. Natural beauty has no expiration date; sometimes, the little and subtle changes make all the difference.

Do your research and find a professional that you feel comfortable with when you decide to get lip filler in Leeds. Remember, in most cases, less is often more; a little enhancement can work great, whereas over-accumulation produces the opposite effect. So, your goal should be to have this intact, balanced look that makes you feel confident.

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