How to Make a Heart Out of a Gum Wrapper

How to Make a Heart Out of a Gum Wrapper

Who doesn’t love getting a little packet of treats to bring home after seeing a movie? Whether it be popcorn, or candy, everyone always loves those little giveaways. But what do you do when you want to take that love for the movie and its freebies home with you? You make a heart out of your gum wrapper! It’s not as hard as you think, so read on for some great ideas on how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper. These small touches are what help people remember their experiences in life. Things like making something so simple as a gum wrapper into something so personal and lovable is one way to keep those memories fresh in your mind. Here are some steps on how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper.

How to Make a Heart Out of a Gum Wrapper

First, let’s go over what you will need to make your heart out of a gum wrapper. – Scissors – Cutting the top and bottom of the wrapper off is the first step – Paper – Because we are making a heart out of a gum wrapper, you will need some paper. – Tape – You can either use regular tape or washi tape to make your heart a little more decorative. – Glue – You can use regular glue or something like a hot glue gun to make your heart more sturdy. – Heart Sticker – A simple heart sticker can make all the difference for your heart.

Step 1: Cut the top and bottom of the wrapper off

The first thing you want to do is cut the top and bottom of the wrapper off. This will make it easier for you to fold the wrapper. Once you have cut off the top and bottom, you can move onto the next step.

Step 2: Fold the wrapper in half

Now, you want to fold the wrapper in half. You want the gum side to be inside and the paper side to be outside. You can now move onto the next step.

How to Make a Heart Out of a Gum Wrapper

Step 3: Fold the wrapper again, but in the other direction

Now, you want to fold the wrapper in the opposite direction. You want the paper side to be inside again. Once you have done this, you can move onto the next step.

Step 4: Flip it over and tuck in your last fold

So, now you should have a nice little flap on the inside of the wrapper. The next step is to flip it over and tuck in that fold. You can now move onto the next step.

Step 5: Add a little heart sticker to make it cute

The last step is to add a sticker to make it look cute and loveable. You can find all types of stickers online or at stores. You can make it as simple or as fancy as you want. Once you have added the sticker, you can proudly show off your new heart-shaped gum wrapper to your friends and family. Now that you know how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper, you can show your love for your friends, family, and even your favorite movies. These small touches are what help people remember their experiences in life.

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