How to feel better about some of the common pregnancy concerns

pregnancy concerns

Pregnancy is a magical journey, but not devoid of its fair share of fears. Naturally, when your body is making a baby, the stakes run are high. And since there are many issues that are beyond the mother’s control, feeling anxious is completely understandable.

However, taking too much stress and being in a perceptual state of anxiety is not healthy either. It could not only lead to your impaired mental wellbeing, but high stress levels don’t have a good impact on your physical health or the baby for that matter.

A good approach then is to break down the fears and understand if they are rational or not. One caveat is that everyone has a different pregnancy journey and experience. It will also be helpful then that you talk about your specific concerns with your Gynecologist in Lahore.

Understanding common pregnancy concerns

Dietary concerns

What to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy is a big issue commonly faced by women. There is the general lack of knowledge about nutrition, and coupled with the rampant misinformation and anecdotes, it can be hard to figure out what to eat, and what to avoid.

Nutrition plays a vital role in not just the health of the baby, but it is vital for the wellbeing of the mother as well. So, it is important that you do your ground research.

There are certain foods that pregnant women should not eat; any form of uncooked meat like sushi or partially cooked meat like deli meat or rare steak are off-limits. Similarly, unpasteurized juice and milk, and their derivatives are also not to be eat. If you do eat raw vegetables and fruits, ensure they are properly and thoroughly cleaned.

Anything made from raw eggs like mayonnaise or mousse is also not safe for consumption. Also, pregnant women should not eat liver, junk food, fish with high mercury content. Drinks that are not allowed include caffeine and alcohol.

Labor concern

To feel concerned about labor is genuine and only natural. For first-time mothers, there is also no reference point. Your best route will be discussing with your doctor, talking with other women for support and expecting the pain to be harrowing.

The stress issues

Stress in moderate amounts is fine, but unregulated, it can greatly impair mental health. During pregnancy, there are many different sources of stresses; there is one about the health of the baby, but your constant discomfort can also make your mood sour. You might also find it hard to manage your life, work, and pregnancy, and this might then lead to impaired mental health.

If the stress and anxiety couple with depression, it can also lead to preterm labor or low-birth weight of the baby. Hence, addressing this concern is important.

A mental health expert can be of great help; alongside preparing you for the baby, they can also help you deal with your stress levels. Also, don’t hesitate to seek help. Ask your family and friends for support.

The fear of miscarriage

Miscarriage is referred to the loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks. Many women have the concern that they might lose their baby but knowing the statistics might help in curbing your fear.

For young and healthy women, the risk of miscarriage is around 12% at most. However, the risk might increase with age and lifestyle factors.

And, most often, miscarriage occurs due to the chromosomal and genetic issues in the baby. Or there could be issues due to which the baby is not growing.

However, some of the lifestyle factors that can also contribute towards the risk of miscarriage. To mitigate this risk, try to eat better and steer clear of uncooked and deli foods. Also, try to refrain from lifting heavy objects. It is also essential that you cut back on your caffeine intake. You should also consult your Gynecologist in Karachi for regular checkups, so any issues can be dealt in timely manner.

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