Adobe Photoshop is the world’s most popular photo editing and design software. It’s used by photographers and graphic designers alike to enhance their work, remove red eyes and create new visual effects. In this post, we’ll show you how to create wood standee using Adobe Photoshop. You’ll also learn how to roughen the edges of your design to add a tactile, organic feel.
How to create a wooden standee
The most difficult part of the design process is choosing which elements to keep and which to discard. Thankfully, this task is made easier with a pre-approved sample list. The sample list is a collection of templates, including tab and hole template layers. For standees with multiple uprights, it’s a good idea to replicate the same templates on separate layers and merge them as needed for the best possible results.
Creating a wooden standee in Photoshop isn’t for the faint of heart, but it can be done with relative ease and finesse. For a start, you’ll want to make sure you have the right software. This includes a recent version of Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop. Using the right software will give you the confidence to try some new techniques and design concepts without worrying about losing your precious files.
Wooden textures are a great way to add natural style to your images. They also add a warm, cozy vibe to your designs. There are several ways to create a wooden background in Photoshop. You can add different texture overlays, use a wood filter, or even change the blend mode to soft light.
To start, open a new document in Photoshop and add an outline layer with a white base layer. Then, use a pixel Brush to draw a rough outline.
Then, fill the outlines with Linear Gradients and Blur them. You can also change the layer to Multiply and use the Smudge tool to blend the edges.
Once satisfied with the look, apply a texture over the outline. This is easy to do with the Texture Overlay option in the Layer Styles panel.
To make the wood grain effect more realistic, you can change the blending mode to soft light for each gradient layer. Next, add a distortion effect to each gradient layer using the Filter > Distort menu. You can also change the opacity of each layer to give it a more distressed feel. You can try different techniques to find what works best for your project.
Finally, you can use the Bevel and Emboss style to add a three-dimensional effect to the frame. You can set the Technique to Chisel Hard and increase the Depth to 150%. You can also lower the opacity of the layer’s Highlight Mode and Shadow Mode to 50% and 60%, respectively.
If you want to create some cool wood textures, check out these 10 free high-resolution textures. These wood patterns can be used in various design projects, from restaurant posters to logos.
How to create a wooden standee text effect
If you want to add a rustic, wood text effect to your design, Adobe Photoshop has several tools to help you get the job done. These tools include the Repousse, Puppet Warp, and 3D Texturing tools.
To get started, first open a new document in Photoshop. This document should be the same size and dimensions as the background to which you’d like to apply the text.
Next, you’ll want to create a new 3D layer. This layer will be used to create the text’s 3D look.
Once the 3D layer is created, you must apply a wood texture. You can choose from various textures to find the right one for your project.
When you’ve chosen a texture, go to the Texture tab in the Properties panel and click the Layer Styles icon. This will make the texture a layer style, allowing you to change its appearance and blending options easily.
You can also change its blend mode and color using the layers menu and select it to apply it to other layers. The Layer Styles panel will also show you other active styles, which you can use to modify the effect.
Now that your text has a wood-textured surface, you can adjust the size of the letters and other elements. You can use the Move Tool to manipulate them and adjust the X Rotation Angle in the Coordinates panel.
Lastly, you’ll need to split the extrusion for each letter, making it easier to work with them individually. After you’ve completed these steps, you can change the X Rotation Angle and the UV Properties of each letter to customize its appearance.
Then, you can adjust the Tile and Offset values of the painted wood texture until you’re satisfied with the results. You can also change the Bump value to 15 to give it a bumpy, chipped paint appearance.
How to create a wooden hourglass
Creating a wooden hourglass in Photoshop can be quite a task, but with a little effort and some simple techniques, you can achieve a great result. Using lights, shadows, and reflexes, you can create an elegant hourglass that will look very photorealistic.
To start:
- Create a new document with a size of 1900 x 1440 pixels.
- Fill the background with color.
- Use the Pen tool to draw the contour of the upper glass, lower fill this layer to 0% just below the ‘Opacity’ option in the layer palette, and apply the inner glow layer style by color with an opacity of 50% and name this layer’ outer glass.’
Now we need to create a reflection for the hourglass’s top and bottom parts. For this, select the Pen tool, draw a shape, set the opacity to 30%, and hide the unwanted area by masking.
Next, duplicate this layer, transform it into a little smaller than its predecessor, and set the blending mode to hard light with an opacity of 20%. Repeat the process for both parts of the hourglass and name them “upper sand reflection” (“reflection top”) and “lower sand reflection” (“reflection bottom”).
Once all of these layers are complete, place the upper sand shape above the upper ellipse. Afterward, turn off Snap to Grid and adjust Points and Point Handles manually until the spacing from the edge of the top ellipse looks similar to the spacing from the bottom and shape.
Alternatively, you can copy the above shape and then shift-drag it horizontally to move it up to 110px tall. Then, group both the top ellipse and the newly united shape and paste them in the back.
Final Words
In this post, we have told you how to make your wood standee design. You can also make wooden pins designs for ordering them online using adobe photoshop designs.