5 Brilliant Ways To Teach Your Audience About Adding Caption To Photos


Have you ever realized how much a strong caption can elevate a social media post or story? The correct caption can really bring everything together and help sell images online. Having a creative image is just one part of the equation.

The same goes for WordPress, where a perfect image is incomplete without a caption. But don’t worry, it’s easy to understand how to add captions to photos to your images. When you upload or edit an image, you’ll see an option to add a caption in the “Attachment Details” section. You can type in whatever you want to say, and the caption will appear under your image.

For your audience to comprehend the significance of the image and the point you are trying to make, WordPress captioning is crucial. Take a few extra seconds to add captions to your photographs, and then watch how much more engaging your material becomes!

5 Brilliant Ways To Add Captions To Photos

  1. Adding Captions on WordPress Images

Here is a simple method if you don’t know how to caption a photo. You must choose the “Image” block from the drop-down menu when you click the “New Block” icon on the post edit page in order to add a caption to an image in your WordPress post. When you do this, the Picture block will show up in your post area. From there, you may click the upload button to add the image you want. You may also select a picture from the media library.

The text box with the label “Write caption…” can be found immediately beneath the image once you’ve added it. The caption for your image can be added here. Your image might become more interesting for your audience by adding a caption to give it context. After adding your caption, click the ‘publish’ or ‘edit’ button to save your post. It’s that easy! 

  1. Captions for WordPress Gallery

In WordPress, you can create a gallery of images using the Gallery block. This block allows you to upload multiple images and display them in a grid layout with rows and columns. To create a gallery, navigate to your page or post edit screen and click on the ‘Add Block’ icon. From there, select the ‘Gallery’ block located in the Common Blocks tab.

Once you’ve added the Gallery block, you can upload images individually or choose from the pre-uploaded pictures in your media library. If you upload images one by one, you can add a caption after uploading each image. Simply click on the image, and the ‘Write caption…’ field will appear. Type in your desired caption, and you’re done!

Under the image metadata box on the right, if you select photos from your media library, you can write a caption. You don’t need to add captions again if they already exist for your photographs. Your audience’s experience can be improved by adding captions to your WordPress gallery plugin by giving them additional context about the images. Check it out and observe how captions might elevate your gallery.

  1. Captioning WordPress Library

Uploading images directly to the WordPress media library is a convenient way to manage your media files. You can also add captions to your images during the upload process. To get started, navigate to the Media » Add New page in your WordPress admin area. You can upload an image by dragging and dropping it or by selecting it from your computer. 

Once you’ve uploaded the image, click on the ‘Edit’ link below it. This will take you to the edit media page where you can add metadata such as the image title, description, alternative text, and most importantly, the caption.

The edit media screen looks similar to the post edit screen because WordPress treats the attachment (such as an image) as a default post type. This means that it can store metadata like captions in the WordPress database. Once you’ve added the necessary information, click on the ‘Update’ button to save the changes. The image metadata, including the caption, will now be saved in your media library.

  1. Captioning With Old Classic Editor

Adding captions to images in the Classic Editor on your WordPress site is a straightforward process. To begin, click on the Add Media button located above the post editor to upload an image or select one from the media library.

Once the image is uploaded, you can enter essential metadata such as title, alt text, and a caption of your image. Simply type your desired caption into the caption field provided.

After entering the caption, click on the ‘Insert into post’ button to add the image to your post or page. You will now be able to see the image preview in your post editor with the caption. Finally, you can save your changes and preview the post to see how it would look on your live site.

  1. Adding With The Help of Classic Editor

Another way to add captions to images in WordPress is by creating a gallery using the Classic Editor. First, upload and select multiple images. Then, click on the ‘Create gallery’ link located in the left column of the media uploader.

Once you click on the ‘Create gallery’ link, a popup will appear. At the bottom right corner of this popup, click on the ‘Create a new gallery’ button. After creating the gallery, you can add captions directly below each image by typing in the text box. Alternatively, you can click on an image to load its settings in the right column and add the caption there. Finally, click on the ‘Insert Gallery’ button to add the gallery to your WordPress post or page. It’s that simple!


We hope that this guide has been useful in showing you how to easily add captions to your images in WordPress. Adding captions can provide context to your images and enhance the user experience for your readers. With the different methods we’ve covered, you can now add captions to individual images, media library images, and images in a gallery. So go ahead and add some captions to your images to make your website more informative and engaging!

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